If you’re a small business, most likely you’re bombarded with ads and emails promising easy ways to double your clients or customers. And I hate to say it, but if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As a fellow creative and small business owner, I know that growth requires hard work, […]

Do you ever wonder about what the behind the scenes of a food photography shoot looks like? Are you curious to know what equipment is used? Look no further! I’m sharing my most used food photography equipment with you today. This is my list of photography gear for food photographers that I use most often. […]

As a food photographer, one of my favorite things to do is, well, eat. Here are my top 10 favorite vegan restaurants in Los Angeles.

It’s honestly a dream to be able to be a Los Angeles food photographer. Not only do I get to make food into art, but there are SO MANY options. This city has so many cultures, cuisines, types of humans, everything. I’m always kept on my toes and never bored! Wanna know what my ideal […]

How am I supposed to be preparing for my photo session?! This question is asked A LOT! And there are different things you can do to to prep for any type of session – portrait, on-location food or product, lifestyle – whatever it is – the more you’re prepared, the easier it is on everyone […]

Another super super SUPER common question I am asked be people is “what is your go-to lighting setup?” I’m ready to show you common types of lighting in food photography! Well, it depends. I really do my best to match the mood of the product or brand of the client with my lighting setup, because […]

When you order food for delivery, what catches your attention first? When you’re shopping online for a new outfit, are you going to trust the website with professional photos, or the one with quick photos snapped with an iPhone? When you’re on LinkedIn, does the person with a professional headshot or the person with a […]

Post Production for Food Photography Oh haaaaaayyy! This is my first blog post! I’ve had a couple of ideas for little blog series that I’d like to start doing, but figured my first one should be something simple, and something that gets asked about a lot! And that’s basic post-production for food photography! How much […]