We’ve all been there: you submit a service inquiry online and get radio silence back. The fault totally lies on the business for not getting back to you, but let’s look at another angle for a moment: If you were a service provider and received an inquiry with only a first name and email address, […]

Food photography is the best photography! And also the worst…it always makes me hungry. But if you’re in the food industry, that’s a good thing! Are you putting together images for your menu, marketing materials, social media, advertisements, website, or product labels? Here are some of the top food photography trends for 2022. Plus, I’ll […]

Advertising photography involves creating visual content—images, clips, gifs, etc.—with the intention to advertise or sell a product or service. In short, you’re using photography to sell something, whether that be a product or a service. Examples of Advertising Photography Most likely, you see hundreds of examples of commercial photography every day. If you come across an […]

For those who aren’t in my niche, I usually get some blank looks when I tell people that I’m a product photographer. Sometimes, I even get puzzled expressions from fellow creatives or marketing professionals. I get it. The title is a bit broad—mostly because a product can be almost anything. So, whether you’re in the […]

First, this post is not just for photographers! Anyone with a service-based business needs to have a well-worded, comprehensive contract or agreement. Even part-time photographers who provide services to friends and family now and then can benefit from a photography contract. Contracts—as scary as they may sound—are essential to your business because they:  clearly outline […]

If you’re in commercial photography or videography, fine-tuning your treatment process is crucial. As clients search for the perfect professional for their project, making the best first impression is key to landing the job. Plus, if they love what they see, they may be willing to pay more for it. Your treatment backs up your […]

Spontaneity is great for new adventures, road trips, and date nights. But it’s not so great for your visual marketing strategy. Here a few reasons to know what types of images you need and how you’ll use them before booking your food or product photographer (plus a few tips on how to narrow down your […]

You’ve nailed down the final pieces of your project, set up your inspiration board, submitted your creative brief, and you’re ready to get the show on the road! After booking a commercial photoshoot, I know how eager you are to get those images in your hands—or on your labels. But it’s imperative that we put […]

Whether this is you’re a first-time “brander” with a new business or you’re a seasoned pro in the middle of rebranding, the marketing game has drastically changed over the last ten years. Not so long ago, most branding efforts went into the logo, website, products, and print materials. But now, there are many more platforms […]

Commercial photography involves so much more than taking a few creative photos of a product. There’s quite a bit of planning, designing, creating, and editing that goes on behind the scenes as well (check out the process here.) Before diving into a shoot, consider putting together a photography treatment for the project. I promise you’ll […]