When starting a commercial photography project, most clients want to have a ballpark idea of how long their project will take. Should they estimate an entire week or just a day? Understandably, you want to get the most bang for your buck. And fortunately, we can accomplish quite a bit in just a day with […]

Digital marketing trends come and go. What works for one brand may not work for another. But if you’re looking to revamp your marketing strategy, consider building upon these 6 fundamental concepts that will work for any brand. 6 Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know  1. Prioritize Authenticity First and foremost, people are so […]

If you’re not in it every day, it’s hard to know how much to budget for your commercial photography or advertising project. I get quite a few inquiries from people who know what they want, but they’re unsure of all of that goes into a commercial photoshoot and the costs associated with it. So, here’s […]

The goal of every marketing strategy is to get people to engage with your brand. Before you can make a pitch, you need people to see you. Get their attention with fun and visually-appealing GIFs and stop-motion clips. Use animated GIFs to provide context, show texture and detail, and display your brand and product’s quality. […]

These days, you can get just about anything on the fly–DoorDash dinners, gadgets from Amazon, your favorite shows… However, some things deserve some extra time and attention. There’s a reason people invest in professional branding photography instead of using free stock images. They’re just better. Like you, your customers notice good quality when they see […]

Professional images are one of the best investments you can make for your business. I know, that sounds like a bold statement, but it’s true. Without product photos, how are potential clients or buyers going to see what you offer? Even if they get a good recommendation for your product or service, they’ll want to […]