Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the majestic San Gabriel Mountains, it’s no wonder how Los Angeles earned its heavenly name. Few places in the US can match its beauty. Throw in the perfect year-round climate, and this city can’t be beat! But I love Los Angeles for more than the geographical features. The city […]

Well, here we are still stuck at home (for the most part). But staying safe at home during the pandemic doesn’t have to be all bad. Think of it as an opportunity to hone your craft or learn a new skill. Photography is more relevant than ever in today’s online world. Learning how to shoot […]

Images taken on a white backdrop look fresh and modern…if done right. A white backdrop is your best friend for selling products online. Many e-commerce stores and marketplaces (think: eBay, Amazon, Walmart Marketplace, Rakuten, Target Plus) require photographing on a white backdrop for product listings. The goal is to maintain a clean, cohesive look across […]

A permanent change is happening. We’ve been at home for weeks. Our society has adapted quicker than most of us could have ever imagined. Zoom calls take the place of in-person conference calls, employees are completing their jobs from home, restaurants are adapting to takeout/delivery restrictions, online education has skyrocketed, the list goes on. It’s […]

How am I supposed to be preparing for my photo session?! This question is asked A LOT! And there are different things you can do to to prep for any type of session – portrait, on-location food or product, lifestyle – whatever it is – the more you’re prepared, the easier it is on everyone […]

Another super super SUPER common question I am asked be people is “what is your go-to lighting setup?” I’m ready to show you common types of lighting in food photography! Well, it depends. I really do my best to match the mood of the product or brand of the client with my lighting setup, because […]

When you order food for delivery, what catches your attention first? When you’re shopping online for a new outfit, are you going to trust the website with professional photos, or the one with quick photos snapped with an iPhone? When you’re on LinkedIn, does the person with a professional headshot or the person with a […]