Sometimes all-inclusive services are great! Vacation packages, resorts, cruises—let’s go! But even those come with limitations. You must choose from selected dining spots, drink options, and group activities. If you go beyond what’s covered in the “all-inclusive” package, the add-ons add up fast! You have to choose what you want from your experience: a pretty […]

If you’re a small business, most likely you’re bombarded with ads and emails promising easy ways to double your clients or customers. And I hate to say it, but if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. As a fellow creative and small business owner, I know that growth requires hard work, […]

When creating marketing material for food or products, more goes into it than you may think. You need far more than a camera, photography equipment, and the product itself for some large-scale projects. This post will look inside two types of commercial production jobs: large productions and small crew remote shoots. Whether you’re the photographer, […]

Sometimes, it can be difficult for artists to branch out and partner up with fellow creatives. The hesitation may stem from a lack of trust and healthy fear that someone might steal your ideas (because that happens). Or, maybe you prefer to work alone in your creative space without others butting in or derailing your […]

Professional images are one of the best investments you can make for your business. I know, that sounds like a bold statement, but it’s true. Without product photos, how are potential clients or buyers going to see what you offer? Even if they get a good recommendation for your product or service, they’ll want to […]

A permanent change is happening. We’ve been at home for weeks. Our society has adapted quicker than most of us could have ever imagined. Zoom calls take the place of in-person conference calls, employees are completing their jobs from home, restaurants are adapting to takeout/delivery restrictions, online education has skyrocketed, the list goes on. It’s […]