Spontaneity is great for new adventures, road trips, and date nights. But it’s not so great for your visual marketing strategy. Here a few reasons to know what types of images you need and how you’ll use them before booking your food or product photographer (plus a few tips on how to narrow down your […]

Whether this is you’re a first-time “brander” with a new business or you’re a seasoned pro in the middle of rebranding, the marketing game has drastically changed over the last ten years. Not so long ago, most branding efforts went into the logo, website, products, and print materials. But now, there are many more platforms […]

When creating marketing material for food or products, more goes into it than you may think. You need far more than a camera, photography equipment, and the product itself for some large-scale projects. This post will look inside two types of commercial production jobs: large productions and small crew remote shoots. Whether you’re the photographer, […]

Maybe you’ve been attempting your own professional images with the latest iPhone camera and some really good lighting. So far, you’ve been able to handle product marketing yourself. But now, online presence is more important than ever with so much business going digital. To get ahead of the competition, you need more content and more […]

Believe it or not, stop-motion animation has actually been around since the late 1800s. Even though we have far more advanced options available when it comes to filmmaking, it’s continued to gain popularity over the years.   What is Stop Motion?   Stop Motion is filmmaking technique that gives inanimate objects independent motion. The photographer […]