If you’re in commercial photography or videography, fine-tuning your treatment process is crucial. As clients search for the perfect professional for their project, making the best first impression is key to landing the job. Plus, if they love what they see, they may be willing to pay more for it. Your treatment backs up your […]

When creating marketing material for food or products, more goes into it than you may think. You need far more than a camera, photography equipment, and the product itself for some large-scale projects. This post will look inside two types of commercial production jobs: large productions and small crew remote shoots. Whether you’re the photographer, […]

Commercial photography involves so much more than taking a few creative photos of a product. There’s quite a bit of planning, designing, creating, and editing that goes on behind the scenes as well (check out the process here.) Before diving into a shoot, consider putting together a photography treatment for the project. I promise you’ll […]