First, this post is not just for photographers! Anyone with a service-based business needs to have a well-worded, comprehensive contract or agreement. Even part-time photographers who provide services to friends and family now and then can benefit from a photography contract. Contracts—as scary as they may sound—are essential to your business because they:  clearly outline […]

As a commercial photographer who loves photographing food, I tend to dabble in food styling (amateurly). Trying new plating and food presentation techniques is a creative process that I find both challenging and inspirational. The methods I discover while photographing food play into other types of photoshoots I do. Like me, most marketing professionals have […]

Sometimes, it can be difficult for artists to branch out and partner up with fellow creatives. The hesitation may stem from a lack of trust and healthy fear that someone might steal your ideas (because that happens). Or, maybe you prefer to work alone in your creative space without others butting in or derailing your […]