Whether you’re an up-and-coming food photographer or an experienced professional, curating a branded portfolio can be a daunting task. For those just starting out, you may feel overwhelmed at the thought of collecting enough work to show potential clients you’ve got what it takes. And if you’re experienced, you may find yourself sorting through endless […]

Sometimes, it can be difficult for artists to branch out and partner up with fellow creatives. The hesitation may stem from a lack of trust and healthy fear that someone might steal your ideas (because that happens). Or, maybe you prefer to work alone in your creative space without others butting in or derailing your […]

Maybe you’ve been attempting your own professional images with the latest iPhone camera and some really good lighting. So far, you’ve been able to handle product marketing yourself. But now, online presence is more important than ever with so much business going digital. To get ahead of the competition, you need more content and more […]

Have you ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your social media feed when a photograph caught your eye? Maybe the post wasn’t even relevant to you, but the imagery begged your attention. If you’d love some of those scroll-stopping photos for your own business, this post is for you! Whether you’re the one taking the […]

As a professional LA product photographer, you might expect that I have a perfectly streamlined system that never fails. Well, I’m here to tell you that even the most established system has hiccups at times. For instance, who could have anticipated a global pandemic that causes everyone to shut down or work from home? The […]