If you’re not in it every day, it’s hard to know how much to budget for your commercial photography or advertising project. I get quite a few inquiries from people who know what they want, but they’re unsure of all of that goes into a commercial photoshoot and the costs associated with it. So, here’s […]

Specialty photographers, such as food and product photographers, have invested quite a bit of time, energy, and practice to achieve their artistic finesse. It’s often well worth the money to hire a professional photographer who specializes in the type of photography you need. Sometimes, a one-stop shop is great! Like when you go into Target […]

When creating marketing material for food or products, more goes into it than you may think. You need far more than a camera, photography equipment, and the product itself for some large-scale projects. This post will look inside two types of commercial production jobs: large productions and small crew remote shoots. Whether you’re the photographer, […]

Let’s be honest, photography equipment ain’t cheap. And it’s not just the camera. Or the lenses. After investing in those, it’s easy to find yourself lost down a rabbit trail of super cool – but super expensive – accessories. I fall for it, too. I just love hopping on some of my favorite photography sites […]